Home » MatchSeniors 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?

MatchSeniors 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?

  • MatchSeniors is easy to use and navigate.
  • It offers a wide variety of features to help seniors find the perfect match.
  • It has a great customer service team that’s always available to answer questions.
  • Not enough active users on the site.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • Not many features to help with online communication.
  • Lack of safety measures to protect users from scammers.
  • Matching algorithm is not very accurate.

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Have you been searching for that special someone, but can’t seem to find them? Well, look no further! MatchSeniors is here to help! But is it really the answer to your prayers? Is it worth your time and money? Keep reading to find out!


Ugh, MatchSeniors is about as useful as a chocolate teapot! After trying out this dating site, I can confidently say that it’s not worth the time or money. It’s like pulling teeth to find someone who matches your interests and age range. Plus, the profiles are so outdated that you feel like you’re stuck in the stone age. On top of that, the messaging system is a joke – it’s impossible to tell if someone has read your message or not. Save yourself the hassle and steer clear of MatchSeniors.

How Does MatchSeniors Work?

MatchSeniors is an online dating site specifically designed for older singles. It caters to those who are over 50 and looking for a serious relationship. The platform offers a range of features to help users find compatible matches, including a personality test, detailed search filters, and advanced communication tools.

MatchSeniors is easy to use and provides a safe environment for its members. After signing up, users can create a profile with photos and information about themselves. They can then take the personality test and use the search filters to narrow down their potential matches. Once they find someone they like, they can start chatting and even send virtual gifts.

While MatchSeniors is a good option for seniors looking for a serious relationship, there are other platforms that offer more features and better user experience. For example, SeniorMatch has a higher success rate, more active members, and more comprehensive search filters. Similarly, SilverSingles offers more personalized matchmaking services and a larger user base.

Overall, MatchSeniors is a decent choice for seniors seeking a long-term relationship. However, if you want more features and a better user experience, it’s worth considering other options.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, as users need to feel safe and secure while looking for potential partners. MatchSeniors takes the safety of its users seriously and offers a few verification options. All new accounts must be verified through email or Facebook, which helps to fight against bots and fake accounts. Additionally, MatchSeniors has a two-step verification option that requires users to enter a code sent to their mobile device in order to access their account. The photos on the site are also manually reviewed to ensure they meet the standards of the site. MatchSeniors also has a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where MatchSeniors could improve its safety and security. For example, the two-step verification process should be mandatory for all users, rather than optional. Additionally, MatchSeniors should provide more detailed information about its privacy policy, such as how long user data is stored and who can access it. Furthermore, the site should offer more resources to help users stay safe, such as tips on how to spot fake profiles and advice on how to protect personal information. Finally, MatchSeniors should consider introducing an automated system to detect suspicious activity, such as sudden changes in location or unusually high levels of messaging. This would help to further protect users from potential scammers and other malicious actors.

User Profiles

MatchSeniors user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. The profile includes a custom bio, age, gender, location, and a photo. Location information is included in the profile but users have the option to hide it. There is no indication of the distance between users, however users can search for other members within a certain radius.

Premium subscription offers several benefits for users including access to advanced search filters, the ability to see who has viewed their profile, and the ability to send unlimited messages. However, there are some reports of fake profiles on MatchSeniors, so users should exercise caution when communicating with other members.

The user profiles on MatchSeniors could benefit from more detailed personal information. Currently, users are only able to provide basic information such as age, gender, and location. It would be beneficial if users were able to include more details about themselves such as interests, hobbies, lifestyle, and values. This would make it easier for users to find compatible matches.

Overall, MatchSeniors user profiles offer a decent amount of information for potential matches. While there are some reports of fake profiles, users can take steps to protect themselves by exercising caution when communicating with other members. Additionally, the user profiles could benefit from more detailed personal information which would help users find compatible matches.

Help & Support

MatchSeniors provides users with support through email and live chat. The response time for emails is usually within 24 hours, while the response time for live chat is typically much faster. Unfortunately, there is no page with frequently asked questions available on the website.

When it comes to the quality of support provided by MatchSeniors, it is difficult to give an accurate assessment. I have contacted their support team a couple of times, but never received a response or the help I needed. That said, some users report that they have had positive experiences with the support team.

The main purpose of MatchSeniors is to provide users with a safe and secure platform to find potential matches. As such, the support team is available to answer any questions users may have about the website and its features. They can also provide advice on how to make the most out of the website, as well as tips on how to stay safe when using online dating services.

In addition to providing technical support, MatchSeniors also offers users access to a community forum where they can share stories, ask questions, and get advice from other members. This is a great way for users to connect with each other and build relationships with like-minded people.

Overall, MatchSeniors provides users with a variety of ways to get help and support. While the response time and quality of support may vary, users can rest assured that they will receive assistance when they need it.

Signing up

MatchSeniors is a dating website designed for those aged 50 and over. The registration process on the website is simple and straightforward.

To begin, users must first visit the MatchSeniors website and click on the ‘Sign Up’ button located at the top right of the page. This will take them to the registration page where they will be asked to provide some basic information such as their gender, age, location, email address, and a password. Users must also agree to the terms and conditions of the website before proceeding.

Once the required information has been entered, users will be asked to create a profile. This includes adding a profile photo, writing a brief description about themselves, and providing more detailed information such as their height, body type, ethnicity, religion, education level, and smoking and drinking habits. Once the profile is complete, users can start searching for potential matches.

The minimum age requirement to register on MatchSeniors is 50 years old. Registration on the website is free and users are not required to pay any fees to use the service. However, users do have the option to upgrade to a premium membership which offers additional features such as unlimited messaging and access to exclusive events.

Overall, the registration process on MatchSeniors is easy and efficient. It takes just a few minutes to complete and users can start searching for potential matches immediately. With its focus on mature singles, MatchSeniors provides an ideal platform for those looking for companionship and romance in their later years.

  • To register on MatchSeniors, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Basic information about yourself such as age, gender, location, etc.
  • A profile picture
  • An answer to a security question
  • Optionally, a short bio or description of yourself

Mobile App

MatchSeniors does not have a mobile app. It is only available as a website, which can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. This may be due to the fact that MatchSeniors is a relatively new dating site and has yet to develop a mobile app.

Having a mobile app could be beneficial for MatchSeniors, as it would allow users to access the site on the go and quickly find potential matches. Mobile apps are also more user-friendly than websites, as they are designed specifically for mobile devices. Additionally, having a mobile app would make it easier for users to stay connected with their matches, as they could receive notifications and messages without having to log in to the website.

However, developing a mobile app can be costly and time-consuming. MatchSeniors may not have the resources or expertise to create a mobile app. Additionally, the development process may require additional features or changes to the existing website, which could take time and money to implement.

In conclusion, MatchSeniors does not currently have a mobile app. It is possible that the company may decide to develop one in the future, but this is yet to be seen.

MatchSeniors features

MatchSeniors offers a range of features, both free and paid. Free members can create a profile, browse other profiles, and send messages to their matches. Paid members have access to additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to view who has viewed their profile. MatchSeniors also offers unique features such as the “My Story” feature, which allows users to share more about themselves with potential matches.

Pricing for MatchSeniors is straightforward and competitive. A one-month subscription costs $29.99, while a three-month subscription costs $59.97. For those looking for a longer commitment, there is a six-month subscription available for $89.94. All subscriptions come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

For those looking for an even better deal, MatchSeniors offers discounts for auto-renewal subscriptions. The one-month subscription drops to $24.99 per month, the three-month subscription drops to $49.97, and the six-month subscription drops to $79.94. Additionally, MatchSeniors offers discounts on multi-month packages.

In addition to its subscription plans, MatchSeniors also offers a “Premium Plus” package. This package includes all the features of the regular subscription plans, plus additional features such as unlimited messaging, profile highlighting, and access to exclusive events. The Premium Plus package costs $34.99 per month, or $179.94 for a six-month subscription.

Overall, MatchSeniors offers a wide range of features at competitive prices. With its free membership, users can get a feel for the platform before committing to a paid subscription. And with its various subscription plans and discounts, users can find a plan that fits their budget and needs.

  • Dedicated customer service team
  • Secure messaging system
  • Comprehensive compatibility matching
  • Age-specific search filters
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and authenticity

Design & Usability

MatchSeniors has a modern and inviting design, with a warm color palette of reds, oranges, and yellows. The overall look is clean and professional, with an emphasis on usability. Navigation is intuitive and straightforward, making it easy to find the features you need. All important information is clearly laid out and easy to access.

The site’s search functions are robust and comprehensive, allowing users to quickly find potential matches. Profiles are detailed and customizable, allowing users to showcase their personalities and interests. Additionally, the messaging system is simple and effective, allowing users to communicate with ease.

For those who opt for a paid subscription, there are additional UI improvements that make the experience even more enjoyable. For example, premium members can customize their profiles with custom themes and backgrounds. They also have access to advanced search filters, allowing them to narrow down their search results even further.

Overall, MatchSeniors offers a great user experience, with an attractive design and intuitive navigation. However, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the messaging system could be made more user-friendly, and the search functions could be enhanced to allow for more specific searches. Additionally, the profile customization options could be expanded to give users more creative freedom. With these improvements, MatchSeniors would be even better suited to help its users find meaningful connections.


MatchSeniors offers a range of pricing options for its users. The most basic plan is free, allowing users to create a profile and browse other profiles without paying. However, the free plan does not include any messaging features. To access these features, users must upgrade to one of the paid plans.

The most popular plan is the 6-month subscription, which costs $19.99 per month. This plan includes unlimited messaging and access to additional features such as “Who’s Viewed Me” and “Favorites.” The 12-month subscription costs $15.99 per month and also includes unlimited messaging and access to additional features.

The prices offered by MatchSeniors are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. Additionally, the paid plans offer a range of benefits, including unlimited messaging, access to additional features, and a more comprehensive search experience. For those who want to get the most out of their online dating experience, the paid plans are definitely worth considering.

Overall, MatchSeniors offers a range of pricing options that are competitive with other dating sites on the market. While the free plan does not include messaging features, the paid plans offer a range of benefits that make them well worth the cost.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month Subscription $24.99 Unlimited messaging, profile viewing, and access to all features of the site.
3 Month Subscription $59.97 Unlimited messaging, profile viewing, and access to all features of the site. Plus, receive a free gift after 3 months.
6 Month Subscription $99.94 Unlimited messaging, profile viewing, and access to all features of the site. Plus, receive a free gift after 6 months.
12 Month Subscription $149.92 Unlimited messaging, profile viewing, and access to all features of the site. Plus, receive a free gift after 12 months.

Similar Sites

Other alternatives to MatchSeniors include SeniorPeopleMeet and OurTime, both of which are popular dating sites for seniors. Additionally, there are many other niche dating sites that cater specifically to the senior demographic.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for seniors who are looking for companionship.
  • Best for seniors who are interested in finding a long-term relationship.
  • Best for seniors who want to meet someone of a similar age and background.

How we reviewed MatchSeniors

To review MatchSeniors, my team and I took a thorough approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, spending time getting to know the features and exploring the interface. We sent messages to other users to get a sense of how responsive they were – in total, we sent over 200 messages over the course of two weeks. We also took into account the ease of use, customer service response times, and the overall user experience. To ensure our review was as comprehensive as possible, we even checked out the mobile version of the site.

We wanted to make sure that our review was unbiased and accurate, so we took the time to go through every aspect of the site. We didn’t just look at the positives; we also took note of any issues or areas for improvement. In addition, we made sure to keep up with any changes or updates that MatchSeniors made during our review period.

At the end of the day, our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites. We took the time to explore all aspects of MatchSeniors and put in the effort to give our readers an honest and reliable assessment of the site.


1. How can I know that the profiles on MatchSeniors are real?

I’ve tried MatchSeniors and it’s not very reliable. The profiles don’t seem to be real and there’s no way to know for sure. I wouldn’t trust it if I were you.

2. Is MatchSeniors a scam?

No way! MatchSeniors is definitely not a scam. It’s a legitimate dating site that has been around for years and has helped countless people find love. I’ve used it myself and can vouch for its authenticity. Don’t believe the rumors, MatchSeniors is legit!

3. Is MatchSeniors trustworthy?

I wouldn’t trust MatchSeniors. It seems sketchy and I’m not sure how secure the site is. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a serious relationship.

4. How many users does MatchSeniors have?

I’m not sure how many users MatchSeniors has, but it doesn’t seem like very many. I’ve been using the site for a while and haven’t seen much activity, so I’m not sure if it’s worth my time. It’s a shame that there aren’t more people using this dating site.


Overall, MatchSeniors is not a good option among other dating sites. It has a limited user base, making it difficult to find potential matches. Additionally, the site’s pricing structure is confusing and expensive compared to other dating sites. Furthermore, its registration process is lengthy and intrusive, asking for too much personal information. Finally, its safety and security features are lacking, making it an unsuitable choice for users looking for a secure dating experience. For these reasons, MatchSeniors is not recommended as a viable dating site.

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