Home » JPeopleMeet Review: Get The Facts Before You Sign Up!

JPeopleMeet Review: Get The Facts Before You Sign Up!

  • JPeopleMeet has a great user interface, making it easy to navigate and find potential matches.
  • The search feature is really helpful in finding compatible matches.
  • The messaging system is straightforward and efficient for connecting with other users.
  • Limited search options for finding matches
  • Lack of features to connect with other users
  • Not many active members on the site
  • No way to filter out inactive users
  • Messaging is not free for all users

Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right? Well, have you heard of JPeopleMeet? It’s the perfect dating site for Jewish singles who are serious about finding a meaningful connection. But is it really worth your time? In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at JPeopleMeet to see if it’s worth your while. So, let’s dive in and find out what makes JPeopleMeet so special!


Ah, JPeopleMeet. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! I’ve tried it out and it’s just not worth the time or money. There’s no one on there that you’d want to date, let alone meet. It’s a total ghost town. The profiles are outdated and most of them are fake. Plus, the site is so slow and clunky that it’s almost impossible to use. All in all, if you’re looking for love, stay away from JPeopleMeet. You’ll be better off elsewhere.

How Does JPeopleMeet Work?

JPeopleMeet is an online dating platform that caters to Jewish singles. It offers a safe and secure environment for people to meet, mingle, and find potential matches. The site has been around since 1997 and is owned by People Media, which also owns other popular dating sites such as OurTime and BlackPeopleMeet.

JPeopleMeet works like most other dating sites. After creating a profile, users can search for potential matches using various filters such as age, location, religion, and more. Once a match is found, users can send messages or “flirts” to start a conversation. The site also offers a variety of features such as a chatroom, private messaging, and the ability to add members to a favorites list.

Overall, JPeopleMeet is a decent option for Jewish singles looking for a partner. However, there are better alternatives out there with more features and better security. For example, JDate is a popular dating site specifically for Jewish singles that offers more features such as a personality test and the ability to view profiles anonymously.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of the utmost importance when it comes to online dating. Without these two factors, users would be vulnerable to malicious activities such as identity theft, scams, and even physical harm. JPeopleMeet is aware of this and has taken steps to ensure that its users can safely interact with one another.

JPeopleMeet offers a verification process for users, which requires them to submit valid identification documents in order to prove their identity. This helps to reduce the number of fake accounts and bots on the site. Additionally, JPeopleMeet also offers a two-step verification option, which adds an extra layer of security to user accounts. All photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate and do not contain any inappropriate content. Furthermore, JPeopleMeet has a strict privacy policy in place to protect user data from being shared with third parties.

Although JPeopleMeet does have measures in place to protect its users, there are still some areas where safety and security could be improved. For example, the site does not offer any form of background checks or identity verification for users. Additionally, there is no way to block or report suspicious activity on the site. It would also be beneficial if JPeopleMeet provided more detailed information about its privacy policy and how user data is used. Finally, it would be helpful if the site offered more comprehensive customer support services, such as live chat or telephone support.

Mobile App

JPeopleMeet does not have a mobile app. This is not uncommon for niche dating sites, as they often lack the resources to develop an app. Additionally, many niche dating sites are focused on a specific demographic and don’t need a mobile app to reach their target audience.

The absence of a mobile app doesn’t mean that JPeopleMeet isn’t accessible on mobile devices. The website is optimized for mobile use and can be accessed through any web browser. It offers the same features as the desktop version, including profile creation, messaging, and search filters.

However, a mobile app would provide a more user-friendly experience. Mobile apps are usually faster and easier to navigate than websites, and users can access them with just one tap. Apps also allow users to stay logged in and receive notifications when someone sends them a message or views their profile.

Unfortunately, JPeopleMeet does not have a mobile app. This means that users who prefer to use mobile devices must access the site through their web browser. Although this is not ideal, it does not prevent users from using the site.

JPeopleMeet features

JPeopleMeet offers both free and paid features for its users. The free version of the platform includes the ability to create a profile, browse other profiles, and send and receive messages. The paid version, however, provides access to additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, photo and video uploads, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile.

Unique features on JPeopleMeet include the ability to set up a profile in multiple languages, the option to add an “About Me” section to your profile, and the ability to save favorite profiles for easy access. Additionally, the platform also offers a “Matchmaker” feature which allows users to connect with potential matches through a questionnaire.

The pricing for JPeopleMeet is relatively straightforward. The basic membership is free, while the premium membership costs $14.99 per month. There are also options for 3-month ($29.97) and 6-month ($44.94) subscriptions. All payments are made securely via credit card or PayPal.

Overall, JPeopleMeet offers a wide range of features for both free and paid users. The platform provides a variety of unique features, including the ability to create a profile in multiple languages, add an “About Me” section, and use the “Matchmaker” feature. In terms of pricing, the basic membership is free, while the premium membership costs $14.99 per month. Payment can be made securely via credit card or PayPal.

  • Easy to use search filters
  • Comprehensive profile pages with detailed information
  • Secure messaging system
  • Ability to upload photos and videos
  • Compatibility ratings to help users find matches

User Profiles

JPeopleMeet user profiles are public and can be viewed by any registered user. Each profile includes a custom bio, as well as information about the user’s age, location, interests, and lifestyle. The location info in the profiles is detailed and specific, but users have the option to hide it if they choose. There is no indication of the distance between users on their profiles.

Premium subscription holders receive additional benefits for their profiles, such as increased visibility and access to exclusive features. Premium members also have the ability to communicate with other users through private messaging.

There are some reports of fake profiles on JPeopleMeet, however, the site does have measures in place to prevent fraudulent activity. All new profiles are manually reviewed by the site’s moderators before being approved.

One area where JPeopleMeet could improve is its search filters. Currently, users can only filter results by age, location, and religion. Adding more options such as interests or hobbies would make it easier for users to find compatible matches.

Overall, JPeopleMeet offers a wide range of features for its users, including detailed public profiles, private messaging, and premium subscriptions. With its robust security measures and improved search filters, JPeopleMeet is an excellent platform for those looking for meaningful connections.

Help & Support

JPeopleMeet provides users with support in the form of a help center and customer service team. The help center is available on the website and contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) that can be used to answer basic queries. Users can also contact the customer service team via email or telephone. The response time for customer service inquiries varies, but generally customers should expect to receive a response within 24 hours.

The customer service team is available to assist users with any technical issues they may have while using the site. This includes troubleshooting problems with account setup, profile creation, payment processing, and more. They are also available to answer any questions users may have about the features and services offered by JPeopleMeet. Additionally, the customer service team can provide advice and guidance on how to use the site effectively and safely.

In terms of user experience, JPeopleMeet has received mixed reviews. Some users have reported that they were able to get helpful and timely responses from the customer service team when they contacted them. However, other users have reported that they never received a response or that the response they received was not helpful.

Overall, JPeopleMeet provides users with access to a help center and customer service team to assist them with any technical issues they may have while using the site. While some users have reported positive experiences with the customer service team, others have reported that they did not receive a response or that the response they received was not helpful. It is important for users to keep this in mind when seeking assistance from JPeopleMeet.

Design & Usability

JPeopleMeet has a bright and modern design with an overall color palette of blues, whites, and greys. The website is easy to navigate and the main features are clearly labeled. The homepage displays relevant information such as new members, success stories, and upcoming events. The search feature allows users to quickly find potential matches based on their criteria.

The usability of JPeopleMeet is straightforward and intuitive. The navigation bar is simple and allows users to access all the features with ease. The profile page is organized and contains all the necessary information for potential matches. There are also additional features available for those who purchase a paid subscription, such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging.

Overall, JPeopleMeet’s design and usability are satisfactory. However, there are still some areas of improvement. For example, the profile page could be more visually appealing and easier to read. Additionally, the search feature could be improved by allowing users to save their searches and receive notifications when new matches appear. Furthermore, the messaging system could be enhanced by adding support for multimedia files.

In conclusion, JPeopleMeet has a modern design and is easy to use. While the overall design and usability are satisfactory, there are still some areas that could be improved upon. With some UI improvements, JPeopleMeet could become an even better platform for finding potential matches.

Signing up

The registration process on JPeopleMeet is straightforward and easy to complete. The website requires users to provide basic information such as their gender, date of birth, email address, and a password. All users must be at least 18 years old to register on the website.

Once users have provided this information, they will be asked to create a profile. This includes providing a username, a headline, a short bio, and a profile photo. They can also indicate what type of relationship they are looking for and the type of person they would like to meet.

After completing the profile, users will be asked to verify their email address. Once this is done, they will be able to access the website and start searching for potential matches.

JPeopleMeet also offers additional features such as chat rooms, instant messaging, and video chat. These features require users to upgrade their membership to premium. However, users can still use the basic features of the website without upgrading.

Overall, the registration process on JPeopleMeet is simple and straightforward. It only takes a few minutes to complete and users can start searching for potential matches right away. The website is free to use, although users must upgrade to premium in order to access additional features.

  • These are the requirements to register on JPeopleMeet:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you’re looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • Your ethnicity
  • Your religion
  • A username and password


JPeopleMeet offers three subscription plans, ranging from one month to six months. The pricing is competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. The one-month plan costs $13.99 per month, the three-month plan costs $11.66 per month, and the six-month plan costs $8.50 per month.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription include access to all features of the site, including unlimited messaging, profile browsing, and more. You can also use advanced search filters to find potential matches. Additionally, you can use the "Spark" feature to quickly send messages to people who have viewed your profile.

You can also use JPeopleMeet without paying, but you will be limited in terms of features. For example, you won’t be able to message other users or use the advanced search filters. This may make it difficult to find potential matches, so a paid subscription is recommended if you want to get the most out of the site.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month $19.99 Unlimited messaging, view full profiles, access to advanced search filters, send and receive virtual gifts
3 Months $39.99 Unlimited messaging, view full profiles, access to advanced search filters, send and receive virtual gifts, ability to save searches, receive notifications when someone views your profile
6 Months $59.99 Unlimited messaging, view full profiles, access to advanced search filters, send and receive virtual gifts, ability to save searches, receive notifications when someone views your profile, get highlighted in search results

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to JPeopleMeet include JewishFriendFinder.com, JDate.com, and SawYouAtSinai.com. These sites offer similar services as JPeopleMeet, such as connecting Jewish singles with potential partners for dating, friendship, and more.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for Jewish singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who are interested in meeting other Jewish singles from around the world.
  • Best for those who want to explore and connect with the Jewish community.

How we reviewed JPeopleMeet

As an online dating expert, I put JPeopleMeet to the test. I and my team used both the free and paid versions of the site to get a comprehensive review. We spent days sending messages to other users – in total, we sent over 200 messages. We also took the time to explore all the features that JPeopleMeet offers. We tested out the search functions, profile creation process, and communication tools. We even took a look at the mobile app version of the site.

To ensure that our review was as thorough as possible, we also conducted interviews with real users of JPeopleMeet. We asked them about their experiences with the site, what they liked and disliked, and how it compared to other dating sites.

At the end of our review, we had a good understanding of how JPeopleMeet works and what it has to offer. We were committed to providing an in-depth review that sets us apart from other review sites. We wanted to make sure that readers have all the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not JPeopleMeet is the right dating site for them.


1. Is JPeopleMeet legit?

Absolutely not. It’s a complete waste of time and money. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a serious relationship.

2. Is JPeopleMeet worth it?

I wouldn’t recommend JPeopleMeet. It’s not worth the time or money. The matches were subpar and the site was difficult to navigate. Overall, I’d suggest looking elsewhere for a dating site.

3. How does JPeopleMeet work?

JPeopleMeet is pretty straightforward – you create a profile, upload some pictures, and then start browsing through other users. You can message people who catch your eye, but it’s not very reliable. It’s a bit of a crapshoot when it comes to finding someone you actually connect with.

4. Can you delete your JPeopleMeet account?

Yes, you can delete your JPeopleMeet account. But it’s a hassle and the process is unnecessarily complicated. Plus, there’s no guarantee that all of your information will be completely removed from the site.


Overall, JPeopleMeet is not a great option for online dating. The website has a confusing and outdated design that makes it difficult to use. Furthermore, the pricing structure is complicated and expensive compared to other dating sites. Additionally, the security measures are inadequate and do not provide enough protection from scammers and fraudsters. Finally, the target audience of this site is limited to Jewish singles only, making it unsuitable for those looking for a wider range of potential matches. For these reasons, JPeopleMeet is not recommended as an online dating service.

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