Home » BDSMdate Review 2023 – Is This The Best Dating Option For You?

BDSMdate Review 2023 – Is This The Best Dating Option For You?

  • Easy to use interface and straightforward navigation.
  • Comprehensive search options to find compatible partners.
  • High-quality customer service for any queries or issues.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • No compatibility matching system.
  • Limited communication features.
  • No video chat or voice call options.
  • High subscription costs.

Are you looking for a way to spice up your dating life? BDSMdate might be the answer! This review will take an in-depth look at the popular dating site and give you the lowdown on what it has to offer. From its unique features to its safety protocols, we’ll cover it all. So, if you’re curious about BDSMdate, read on to find out more!


Ah, BDSMdate. It’s like a box of chocolates—you never know what you’re gonna get! After trying it out, I can safely say that it’s not worth the time or money. The interface is clunky and outdated, and the user base is small. Plus, there’s no real way to verify whether the people you’re talking to are who they say they are. All in all, it’s best to steer clear of this one.

How Does BDSMdate Work?

BDSMdate is an online dating site that caters to people who are interested in BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, and sadomasochism). The platform allows users to find like-minded individuals for casual hookups or long-term relationships. It has a wide range of features such as chat rooms, forums, blogs, and photo galleries.

The registration process on BDSMdate is simple and straightforward. Users can create a profile by providing basic information such as gender, age, location, and interests. Once the profile is created, users can search for potential matches using various criteria such as age, gender, and location. They can also view profiles of other members and send messages to initiate contact.

BDSMdate also offers a variety of tools to help users connect with each other. These include private messaging, group chats, video chat, and virtual gifts. Additionally, the site provides safety tips and advice on how to protect yourself while engaging in BDSM activities.

Overall, BDSMdate is a decent dating site for those looking for casual hookups or long-term relationships. However, there are better alternatives available, such as FetLife, which offers more features and a larger user base.

Help & Support

BDSMdate provides users with support through a variety of channels. The most common way to access support is by submitting a ticket through the website. Users can also contact support via email or phone. The response time for tickets is usually within 24 hours, but this may vary depending on the volume of requests.

In addition to submitting tickets, BDSMdate also offers a page with frequently asked questions. This page provides answers to some of the most common questions about the site and its features. The FAQ page is updated regularly and is a great resource for users who need help quickly.

Unfortunately, some users have reported that they have contacted support a couple of times and never received a response or that the response was not helpful. It is important to note that this is not the norm and that BDSMdate does strive to provide excellent customer service.

Overall, BDSMdate provides users with several options for accessing support. The website has a ticket system, an FAQ page, and email and phone support. Response times are usually within 24 hours, although this may vary depending on the volume of requests. Despite some reports of unsatisfactory responses, BDSMdate strives to provide excellent customer service.

Mobile App

BDSMdate does not have a mobile app. This is likely because the website is primarily used as a desktop platform, and many of its features are better suited to a larger screen. Additionally, BDSMdate has been around since 2006, and it is possible that they have yet to develop an app due to the cost and complexity associated with creating one.

Creating a mobile app requires significant resources, including time, money, and technical expertise. Additionally, apps need to be regularly updated in order to keep up with changing technology and user preferences. For these reasons, many websites choose to focus their resources on improving their existing desktop platform instead of investing in a mobile app.

For those who prefer to use a mobile device, BDSMdate can still be accessed through a web browser. The website is optimized for mobile devices, so users can easily navigate the site and access all of its features. However, it is important to note that some features may not be available or may not work as well on a mobile device as they do on a desktop.

Overall, BDSMdate does not have a mobile app. While this may be inconvenient for some users, the website can still be accessed through a web browser on a mobile device. Additionally, the lack of a mobile app allows BDSMdate to focus its resources on improving its existing desktop platform.

Design & Usability

BDSMdate has a modern and sleek design with a predominantly black, grey, and white color palette. The overall look of the site is professional and minimalistic, making it easy to navigate and use. The user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, with a simple layout that allows users to quickly find what they are looking for. There are also several helpful features such as a profile search and a messaging system.

The site is designed to be responsive, meaning it works well on both desktop and mobile devices. It is also optimized for speed, so users can quickly load pages and access content. Additionally, BDSMdate offers a paid subscription that includes additional UI improvements, such as more detailed profiles and better search functionality.

Overall, BDSMdate’s design and usability are good, but there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the profile search could be made more robust by adding more filters and sorting options. Additionally, the messaging system could be enhanced with more features, such as the ability to send attachments or create group conversations. Finally, the site could benefit from more customization options, such as the ability to change the background color or add custom images.

User Profiles

BDSMdate user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. However, users can set a custom bio to describe themselves and their interests. Location information is included in the profiles, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users. Premium subscription profiles have some benefits such as higher visibility, unlimited messaging, and access to advanced search features. There are some fake profiles on BDSMdate, but they are relatively few in comparison to other dating sites. One thing that could be improved with user profiles is the ability to upload more than one photo. Currently, users can only upload one profile photo, which may not give potential matches an accurate impression of the user.

BDSMdate features

BDSMdate offers a range of features for both free and paid users. For free, users can create a profile, browse other profiles, and send winks to show interest. Paid users have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to view full-sized photos. Unique features on BDSMdate include its Kink Search tool, which allows users to filter by specific kinks and interests, and its Discreet Mode, which hides a user’s profile from their friends and family.

Pricing on BDSMdate is based on subscription length, with discounts available for longer subscriptions. The basic subscription costs $19.95 per month, while the premium subscription costs $29.95 per month. Users who choose to pay for six months in advance receive a 20% discount, and those who opt for an annual subscription get a 40% discount. Payment options include credit card, PayPal, and cryptocurrency.

BDSMdate also offers a VIP membership, which includes exclusive access to events, parties, and travel opportunities. This membership costs $49.95 per month, or $99.95 for three months.

In addition to the standard features offered on BDSMdate, users can purchase add-ons such as the “VIP Plus” package, which gives users access to private photo albums, video chat, and priority customer service. The “Featured Profile” add-on allows users to be featured on the home page of the site, increasing their visibility.

Overall, BDSMdate offers a range of features and pricing options to suit different needs and budgets. With its unique Kink Search tool and Discreet Mode, it provides an easy way for users to find and connect with like-minded individuals. Its add-ons and VIP membership provide additional benefits for those looking for more than just a basic dating experience.

  • A secure and anonymous messaging system
  • A wide range of search filters to help you find the perfect match
  • Comprehensive profile information with photos and videos
  • Advanced safety features such as two-factor authentication
  • A dedicated customer service team to answer any questions or concerns

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount on any dating site, including BDSMdate. It is important for users to feel secure when using the platform, as it allows them to explore their sexuality in a safe environment.

BDSMdate offers several verification options for its users. All photos uploaded to the site are manually reviewed by the team to ensure they meet the guidelines. The site also has a two-step verification process that requires users to verify their email address before they can access the platform. This helps to prevent bots and fake accounts from joining the site.

The privacy policy of BDSMdate is also worth noting. It states that all user data is kept private and confidential, and that the site does not share or sell any user information with third parties. This ensures that users’ personal information remains secure.

In terms of safety and security, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the site does not have an option to block other users, which could be beneficial for those who may be receiving unwanted messages. Additionally, the two-step verification process could be improved by adding more layers of security, such as SMS verification.

Overall, BDSMdate takes safety and security seriously and provides users with several verification options to ensure their data remains secure. However, there are still some areas that could be improved to further enhance the security of the platform.

Signing up

The registration process on BDSMdate is straightforward and simple. The website requires users to provide basic information such as name, age, gender, and sexual orientation. It also requires users to create a username and password.

To begin the registration process, users must first visit the website and click on the “Sign Up” button. This will take them to the registration page where they can enter their personal information. Users must provide their name, age, gender, and sexual orientation. They must also create a username and password. Once this information is provided, users must agree to the terms of service and click the “Create Account” button.

Once the account is created, users must verify their email address by clicking on the link sent to their email. After verifying their email address, users are required to fill out a profile questionnaire. This includes questions about their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle.

Users must be at least 18 years old to register on BDSMdate. Registration is free and users do not have to pay any fees to use the website.

Once the profile questionnaire is completed, users can start using the website. They can browse other members’ profiles, send messages, and join chat rooms. They can also set up their own profile and add photos and videos.

Overall, the registration process on BDSMdate is simple and easy to follow. It requires users to provide basic information and create a username and password. Users must also verify their email address and complete a profile questionnaire. Registration is free and users must be at least 18 years old to register. Once the registration process is complete, users can start using the website and interacting with other members.

  • To register on BDSMdate, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are looking to meet
  • Your age
  • Your location (city or zip code)
  • Your sexual orientation


BDSMdate offers a variety of subscription plans, ranging from 1 month to 12 months. The pricing is competitive and allows users to save money when they purchase longer-term subscriptions. With a paid subscription, users can access all features on the site, including unlimited messaging, detailed profile searches, private chat rooms, and more. Additionally, paid members have access to exclusive content such as BDSM tutorials and lifestyle advice.

It is possible to use BDSMdate without paying, but the features are limited. Free members can only send messages to other free members, and their profiles will not be visible to premium members. This makes it difficult to find matches, and the experience is much less enjoyable than with a paid subscription. Compared to other dating sites, BDSMdate provides a great value for its price, making it an attractive option for those looking for a unique online dating experience.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $19.95/month Create a profile, search for members, send messages, add friends, view member photos and videos, chat in the BDSMdate forums.
Premium $29.95/month All Basic features plus: Advanced search filters, access to private chat rooms, exclusive content, and access to live BDSM webcams.
VIP $49.95/month All Premium features plus: VIP customer support, priority message delivery, unlimited messaging, and access to VIP-only events.

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites to BDSMdate include FetLife, CollarSpace, and ALT.com. These sites are all geared towards people who are interested in BDSM, kink, and alternative lifestyles.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking for BDSM relationships
  • Best for people interested in exploring kink and fetish
  • Best for people who are open-minded and want to explore different types of sexual expression

How we reviewed BDSMdate

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a thorough process to review BDSMdate. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, taking time to send messages to other users – we sent over 200 messages in total over the course of three days. We also took into account the user interface, ease of use, features, customer service, and overall value for money.

We looked at the search functions, which allowed us to find potential matches based on location, age, and interests. We also looked at the messaging system, which was intuitive and easy to use. We tested out the chat rooms, which had a good selection of topics and were well moderated. We also checked out the forums, which were full of interesting conversations and helpful advice.

We also took the time to look at the safety measures in place. We found that BDSMdate had a detailed privacy policy, as well as a secure payment system. They also had a robust anti-scam system, which ensured that all members were genuine.

Finally, we looked at the customer service. We found that the team was responsive and helpful, answering our questions quickly and efficiently.

Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We took the time to thoroughly test the site, ensuring that we could give an accurate and unbiased opinion.


1. Is BDSMdate free?

No, BDSMdate is not free. It’s a paid service and it’s pretty expensive too. Definitely not worth the money in my opinion.

2. Is BDSMdate safe?

BDSMdate is definitely not safe. It’s a sketchy site with questionable users and security measures. I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone looking for a real dating experience.

3. How can I know that the profiles on BDSMdate are real?

I wouldn’t trust the profiles on BDSMdate – there’s no way to know if they’re real or not. The site doesn’t have any verification process, so it’s hard to tell who you’re really talking to. Plus, I’ve heard some pretty sketchy stories about people getting scammed on there.

4. How much does BDSMdate cost?

BDSMdate is way too expensive for what it offers. It’s not worth the money at all. I wouldn’t recommend this site to anyone.


Overall, BDSMdate is not a great option for those looking for a dating site. The registration process is long and tedious, and the pricing structure is not transparent. Furthermore, the usability of the site is lacking and it does not offer enough safety and security features to protect users. While this app may be targeting a specific niche audience, there are better options available that provide more comprehensive features and services.

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