Home » Tastebuds’s Features & Benefits Examined

Tastebuds’s Features & Benefits Examined

  • Easy to use interface and great for music lovers.
  • Unique matching system based on musical tastes.
  • Offers a safe and secure environment for online dating.
  • Limited to music-lovers only.
  • Not enough active users in some areas.
  • Not a lot of options for customizing your profile.
  • Limited features compared to other dating apps.
  • Can be difficult to find people with similar music tastes.

Are you looking for love? Or just a fun night out? Tastebuds is the dating app that could make all your dreams come true! With its unique approach to matchmaking, this app promises to help you find the perfect date – but does it really deliver? Read on to find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating app that’s worth your time and money, Tastebuds ain’t it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Sure, the concept of matching people based on music is cool, but the reality is that there just aren’t enough users on the app to make it worth your while. I mean, come on – who has the time to scroll through thousands of profiles to find someone with similar musical tastes? Save yourself the trouble and steer clear of this one.

How Does Tastebuds Work?

Tastebuds is a dating app that helps you find potential matches based on your music taste. It works by asking users to list their favorite artists and genres, and then using this information to match them with other users who have similar music tastes. This way, users can connect with people who share their interests and passions.

The app also offers a variety of features such as a “Concert Buddies” section, which allows users to search for upcoming concerts in their area and connect with other Tastebuds users who are attending the same event. Additionally, users can join themed groups to discuss music and meet like-minded people.

Overall, Tastebuds is an okay option for those looking to find someone with similar music tastes. However, there are better alternatives out there that offer more comprehensive features and a larger user base.

User Profiles

Tastebuds user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone using the app. It is possible to set a custom bio, but it is not mandatory. Location information is included in the profile, but it is possible to hide it. There is no indication of the distance between users. Premium subscription profiles have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and more. Fake profiles are not common on Tastebuds.

The user profiles provide a lot of information about the user including age, gender, sexual orientation, music preferences, and more. Users can also add photos and a short bio to their profile. The profile also includes a list of mutual interests and friends. This helps users find potential matches that share similar interests.

One area where Tastebuds could improve is in providing more detailed information about the user’s musical tastes. Currently, users can only select from a list of genres, but there is no way to indicate specific artists or albums they like. This makes it difficult for users to find potential matches with similar musical tastes.

Overall, Tastebuds provides a comprehensive profile system that allows users to easily find potential matches. The inclusion of location information and mutual interests makes it easier to find compatible partners. Premium subscription profiles have access to additional features, but the basic profile still provides enough information to make informed decisions.

Help & Support

Tastebuds is a dating app that allows users to connect with others based on their shared music tastes. The app provides users with the opportunity to find potential matches, chat with them, and even plan dates. As such, it is important for users to have access to reliable support in case they encounter any issues or have questions about the app.

Tastebuds offers several ways for users to access support. The most direct way is to contact the Tastebuds team via email. The team typically responds within 48 hours, though this may vary depending on the nature of the inquiry. Additionally, the Tastebuds website has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs) which can provide helpful information on common topics.

In addition to the above options, users can also access help through the Tastebuds app itself. The app has a “Help” section which contains answers to many commonly asked questions. This section is updated regularly with new information, so users should check back often for the latest updates.

Overall, Tastebuds provides a variety of support options for its users. While the response time may not always be as fast as some users would like, the team is usually able to respond quickly and provide helpful advice. Additionally, the FAQ page and Help section in the app are great resources for users who need assistance.

Design & Usability

Tastebuds is an online dating app that has a modern and attractive design. The main colors used are blue, white, and gray which give the app a clean and professional look. The overall design of the app is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate and find what you need.

The homepage is simple and straightforward with a search bar at the top and several options for finding potential matches. The profile page is also well designed and allows users to easily view their profile information and update it if needed. The messaging feature is also easy to use and allows users to quickly send messages to other users.

When it comes to usability, Tastebuds offers a great experience. All the features are easy to use and the navigation is intuitive. There are no major issues when using the app and it runs smoothly on most devices. If you purchase a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements such as more detailed profiles and better matchmaking algorithms.

Overall, Tastebuds has a great design and usability. However, there are still some areas of improvement. For example, the search function could be improved to make it easier to find potential matches. Additionally, the profile page could be made more interactive with more options for customizing your profile. Finally, the messaging feature could be improved by adding more options for sending messages and allowing users to see who has read their messages.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and Tastebuds is no exception. The app takes the safety of its users seriously and offers several features to ensure that they can find matches in a secure environment.

Tastebuds has an authentication process that requires users to verify their identity by providing a valid email address or phone number. This helps to protect against bots and fake accounts. Additionally, the app has a two-step verification option which adds an extra layer of security. All photos uploaded to the app are manually reviewed to make sure they meet the app’s standards. Furthermore, Tastebuds also has a strict privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Although Tastebuds has taken steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the app does not currently offer any kind of background checks on its users. Additionally, there is no way for users to report suspicious activity or block other users. Finally, the app does not have any kind of age verification system in place.

Overall, Tastebuds has taken steps to ensure the safety and security of its users. However, the app could benefit from additional measures such as background checks, reporting tools, and age verification. By implementing these features, Tastebuds would be able to provide a more secure and safe environment for its users.

Tastebuds features

Tastebuds offers both free and paid features. Free users can create a profile, browse other users, and send likes to show interest. Paid members have access to additional features such as sending messages, seeing who has liked their profile, viewing mutual matches, and using advanced search filters. Tastebuds also offers unique features like music-based matching, allowing users to find potential matches based on their favorite bands and artists.

In terms of pricing, Tastebuds offers a range of subscription plans for its users. The basic plan is free, but users can upgrade to the premium plan for more features. The premium plan costs $4.99 per month, or $29.99 for a six-month subscription. This plan includes unlimited messaging, seeing who has liked your profile, and access to advanced search filters.

For those looking for a longer commitment, Tastebuds also offers an annual subscription plan for $49.99. This plan includes all the features of the premium plan, plus a free one-month trial. It also offers discounts on special occasions, such as Valentine’s Day.

Tastebuds also offers a “Premium Plus” plan for $9.99 per month or $59.99 for a six-month subscription. This plan includes all the features of the premium plan, plus exclusive access to new features, such as a personalized dating coach and priority customer support.

Overall, Tastebuds offers a range of pricing options to suit different budgets and needs. Its free plan allows users to explore the platform and get a feel for the features, while its paid plans offer access to additional features and exclusive benefits.

  • Matching based on music tastes
  • Ability to send messages and audio clips
  • Private chat rooms
  • Discover new music through other users’ profiles
  • Option to connect with friends from Facebook, Twitter, and Spotify

Signing up

The registration process on the Tastebuds website is relatively straightforward. It requires users to provide basic information such as their name, email address, gender, and date of birth. The minimum age requirement for registration is 18 years old.

Once the user has entered their information, they will be asked to create a username and password. They must also agree to the terms and conditions of the website before proceeding.

The next step in the registration process is to fill out a profile questionnaire. This includes questions about their interests, hobbies, music preferences, and other topics. The answers to these questions will help Tastebuds match the user with compatible partners.

After completing the questionnaire, the user will be asked to upload a profile photo. Photos should be clear and in focus, and should not contain any offensive or inappropriate content.

Finally, the user will be asked to verify their account via email. Once the verification process is complete, the user can begin using the Tastebuds website.

In summary, the registration process on the Tastebuds website requires users to provide basic information, create a username and password, fill out a profile questionnaire, upload a profile photo, and verify their account via email. The minimum age requirement for registration is 18 years old. Registration on the Tastebuds website is free.

  • These are the requirements to register on Tastebuds:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location


Tastebuds is a dating app that helps people find potential partners based on their music preferences. It has both an app and a website version, allowing users to access the service from any device. The Tastebuds website has similar features compared to the app, including profile creation, matchmaking, messaging, and profile browsing.

The main advantage of the Tastebuds website is its convenience. Users can access the site from any device, including desktop computers, laptops, and tablets. This makes it easier for users to connect with potential partners without having to download the app. Additionally, the website has a larger user base than the app, so users have more potential matches to choose from.

However, there are some drawbacks to using the Tastebuds website. For example, the website is not as intuitive or user-friendly as the app. Additionally, the website lacks some of the features available on the app, such as the ability to view other users’ profiles in full screen mode.

Overall, the Tastebuds website provides users with a convenient way to access the service from any device. However, it does lack some of the features available on the app, making it less user-friendly.


Tastebuds offers a variety of pricing options to suit different needs. There is a free version which allows users to create a profile, search for matches, and send messages. However, the paid subscription unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and access to the Tastebuds app. The prices are competitive compared to other dating apps on the market, with monthly subscriptions ranging from $9.99 to $29.99 depending on the length of the subscription.

The paid subscription offers several benefits that make it worth considering. It gives users access to more advanced search filters which can help them find more compatible matches. It also provides unlimited messaging, so users don’t have to worry about running out of messages. Finally, it gives users access to the Tastebuds app, which is a great way to connect with potential dates in real-time.

Overall, Tastebuds offers an affordable and feature-rich option for those looking for a dating app. While the free version is limited, the paid subscription provides plenty of value for its price.

Subscription Option Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages to other users
Premium $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, view who has liked you, see who has read your messages

Similar Apps

Other dating apps that are similar to Tastebuds include OkCupid, Plenty of Fish, and Bumble. These apps allow users to find potential matches based on their interests, location, and other preferences.

  • Hinge
  • Bumble
  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • Coffee Meets Bagel

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for a serious relationship
  • Best for people who want to find someone with similar music tastes
  • Best for people who are looking for a fun and safe way to meet potential partners

How we reviewed Tastebuds

My team and I took a deep dive into Tastebuds to review it thoroughly. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app, sending out messages to other users. In total, we sent out over 500 messages in the span of two weeks. We also took the time to read through the user reviews on the App Store and Google Play Store, noting any issues that users had with the app.

To ensure that our review was comprehensive, we also took the time to explore all the features of the app, from its matching algorithm to its messaging system. We looked at how easy it was to set up a profile, as well as the overall user experience. We also checked out the safety measures that Tastebuds has in place, such as their verification process and their anti-scam policy.

Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites. We went above and beyond to make sure that we provided an accurate and unbiased review of Tastebuds. We put in the time and effort to make sure that our readers get the most out of our review.


1. Is Tastebuds worth it?

Overall, I wouldn’t say Tastebuds is worth it. It’s just another dating app that doesn’t really stand out from the rest. The matches are hit or miss and you don’t get much out of it.

2. How to use Tastebuds without paying?

Using Tastebuds without paying is not recommended. It limits your access to features and makes it harder to find potential matches. Plus, it’s not very ethical to use a service without paying for it.

3. How can I know that the profiles on Tastebuds are real?

Tastebuds doesn’t have any verification process, so it’s hard to know if the profiles are real or not. It’s also difficult to trust the people you meet on there since there’s no way to confirm who they really are. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend using Tastebuds as a reliable dating app.

4. Is Tastebuds a scam?

No way! Tastebuds is definitely not a scam. It’s an awesome dating app that helps you find people with similar music tastes. I’ve used it myself and had great success.


Overall, Tastebuds is not a great option for online dating. The app is expensive and its user base is limited to those who are interested in music. Additionally, the registration process is overly complicated and the safety and security measures taken by the app are inadequate. With its high price tag and lack of features, it is difficult to recommend this app over other more established dating apps that offer better usability, safety, and security.

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