Home » MeetMyAge Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

MeetMyAge Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

  • MeetMyAge makes it easy to find someone who shares your interests and values.
  • It has a great user interface that makes the dating process simple and straightforward.
  • It offers a wide range of features to help you find the perfect match.
  • Limited search options for finding matches
  • Fewer features than other dating sites
  • No verification process to ensure users are who they say they are
  • Difficult to find users in other age groups
  • Lack of customer support for issues or concerns

Are you looking for love? Or maybe just a fun date? Well, MeetMyAge could be the perfect match for you! This dating site is designed to help you find someone who’s age is compatible with yours. But does it really work? Read on to find out what we think of MeetMyAge and whether it’s worth your time!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, MeetMyAge ain’t it. It’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot! Sure, it looks nice enough on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper, there’s just not much to it. The profiles are sparse, the matches are few and far between, and the features are pretty basic. All in all, it’s just not worth the effort. Save yourself the trouble and look elsewhere for love!

How Does MeetMyAge Work?

MeetMyAge is an online dating site that caters to people over the age of 40. It offers a unique approach to finding love, with its advanced matching algorithm and user-friendly interface. The platform provides a safe and secure environment for singles to connect with like-minded individuals. MeetMyAge also has a range of features designed to make it easier for users to find potential matches. These include profile browsing, search filters, private messaging, and more.

The main focus of MeetMyAge is on helping mature singles find companionship and love. The site’s advanced matching algorithm helps to match users based on their interests, lifestyle, and preferences. Users can also use the search filters to narrow down their search results and find potential matches quickly. Additionally, users can view profiles of other members and send private messages to start conversations.

Overall, MeetMyAge is a decent option for those looking for a mature dating experience. However, there are better alternatives out there, such as eHarmony or Match.com, which offer more comprehensive features and better user experiences.

Help & Support

MeetMyAge provides users with several options for accessing support. Users can contact the customer service team via email, telephone, or live chat. The response time for emails is usually within 24 hours, while telephone and live chat support are available during regular business hours.

The MeetMyAge website also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page contains answers to common questions about account setup, profile management, billing, and more. Additionally, users can search the FAQs page for specific topics or keywords.

Unfortunately, some users have reported that they have contacted MeetMyAge’s customer service team multiple times but never received a response or found the response to be unhelpful. In these cases, it is best to contact the customer service team again and provide as much detail as possible in order to receive a more satisfactory response.

Overall, MeetMyAge provides users with several options for accessing support. While the response time may vary depending on the method of contact, users can expect to receive assistance within 24 hours when contacting the customer service team via email. Additionally, the FAQs page provides answers to many common questions about the site. However, if users experience difficulty in receiving a satisfactory response from the customer service team, they should contact them again and provide as much detail as possible.

MeetMyAge features

MeetMyAge offers both free and paid features. On the free plan, users can create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, and send likes. Paid plans offer additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and priority customer support. Uniquely, MeetMyAge also offers its users a chance to participate in virtual events, which is a great way to connect with other members without having to meet in person.

Pricing on MeetMyAge is competitive compared to other dating sites. The free plan is completely free, and the premium plans are offered at different price points depending on the length of the subscription. A one-month subscription costs $19.99, a three-month subscription costs $49.99, and a six-month subscription costs $89.99. All subscriptions come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

The payment options on MeetMyAge are secure and convenient. Users can pay via credit card, PayPal, or Apple Pay. The site also offers a recurring payment option, so users can choose to have their subscription automatically renewed each month.

In addition to the standard features, MeetMyAge also offers a few extra perks for its premium subscribers. These include access to exclusive content, discounts on events, and the ability to view who has liked your profile.

Overall, MeetMyAge is an affordable and feature-rich online dating platform. It offers users plenty of features on the free plan, and those who opt for the premium plans get access to even more features. With its secure payment options and 30-day money-back guarantee, MeetMyAge is a great choice for anyone looking for an online dating experience.

  • Verified profiles: All users must be verified before they can use the site.
  • Private messaging: Users can privately message each other in a secure environment.
  • Compatibility matching: MeetMyAge uses an algorithm to match users based on their interests and preferences.
  • Age-specific search: Users can search for potential matches by age range.
  • Location-based search: Users can search for potential matches within a certain distance from their location.

Design & Usability

MeetMyAge has a modern and sleek design, with a mostly black and white color scheme. The site is easy to navigate, with all the main features clearly visible on the homepage. It is also user-friendly, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for without having to search too much. The site has a search bar that allows users to quickly filter their results by age, gender, location, and more.

The overall look of MeetMyAge is quite attractive, with large profile pictures and a minimalistic design. The site also offers a wide range of features, such as messaging, photo sharing, and profile customization. These features make it easy for users to find potential matches and start conversations.

For those who purchase a paid subscription, MeetMyAge offers additional features such as advanced search filters and access to exclusive content. This makes it easier for users to find the right match and increase their chances of success. However, there are some areas where the UI could be improved. For example, the search filters could be made more intuitive and the messaging system could be simplified.

Overall, MeetMyAge’s design and usability are quite good. The site is well organized and easy to use, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a dating platform. However, there are still some areas that could be improved, such as the search filters and messaging system. With a few tweaks, MeetMyAge could become even more user-friendly and successful.

User Profiles

MeetMyAge user profiles are public, allowing anyone to view them. Each profile includes a custom bio section where users can provide additional information about themselves. Location info is also included in the profiles, but it is possible to hide this information if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, making it difficult to know how far away potential matches may be.

Premium subscription holders benefit from an enhanced profile with additional features such as increased visibility and more detailed search options. There is no indication of fake profiles on MeetMyAge, which is reassuring for those looking for genuine connections.

The user profiles could be improved by including more detailed information about interests and hobbies. This would help users to find more compatible matches. Additionally, there should be an option to add multiple photos to a profile, as this would give a better insight into who the person is.

Overall, MeetMyAge user profiles provide a good amount of information about each user, although there is room for improvement. Premium subscribers benefit from an enhanced profile with additional features, and there is no indication of fake profiles.

Mobile App

MeetMyAge does not have a mobile app. This is likely because the company is relatively new and still in the process of expanding its services. The website itself has been designed to be mobile-friendly, so users can access it on their smartphones or tablets.

The lack of a mobile app may be a disadvantage for some users, as apps are often easier to use than websites. Apps are also more convenient, as they allow users to access the service quickly and easily without having to open a browser. Furthermore, apps often offer additional features that are not available on the website, such as push notifications.

Despite the lack of a mobile app, MeetMyAge does offer some advantages for users. The website is easy to navigate and provides a secure platform for users to connect with other members. It also offers several features, such as private messaging, photo sharing, and profile customization. Additionally, the site has a wide range of search filters, allowing users to find potential matches based on age, location, interests, and more.

Overall, MeetMyAge is a good option for those looking for an online dating service. Although it does not have a mobile app, the website is easy to use and provides a secure platform for users to meet potential partners.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating. It is important for users to feel secure when using a dating site, as this can be the difference between having a successful experience or not.

MeetMyAge takes safety and security seriously. All user accounts must be verified with an email address before they can access the site. This helps to ensure that only real people are using the site. MeetMyAge also has measures in place to fight against bots and fake accounts. Photos are manually reviewed by moderators to make sure they meet the site’s standards. The site also offers two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to users’ accounts.

In terms of privacy, MeetMyAge has a comprehensive privacy policy in place. This outlines how the site collects, stores, and uses personal data. It also explains what users can do if they have any concerns about their data.

Although MeetMyAge does take steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are some areas where improvements could be made. For example, the site could offer more information on how it fights against fake accounts and bots. It could also provide more detailed advice on how users can protect themselves while using the site. Finally, the site could offer more options for two-step verification, such as using biometric authentication.

Overall, MeetMyAge takes safety and security seriously. The site has measures in place to verify user accounts, fight against bots and fake accounts, and protect user data. However, there are still some areas where improvements could be made to further enhance the safety and security of the site.

Signing up

Registering on MeetMyAge is a straightforward process. To begin, users must enter their gender and date of birth to verify that they meet the minimum age requirement of 18 years old. Once the user has verified their age, they will be asked to create a username and password. After this step, users will be prompted to enter their email address and location. This information is used to help match users with potential partners in their area.

The next step in the registration process is to create a profile. Users are asked to provide some basic information about themselves, such as their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle. They can also upload a profile picture. This information helps other users learn more about them before deciding whether or not to connect.

Once the profile is complete, users can start browsing through other profiles. If they find someone they’re interested in, they can send a message or a “like” to show their interest. If the other person responds positively, then the two can start chatting and getting to know each other better.

Overall, registering on MeetMyAge is a relatively simple process. The website requires users to be at least 18 years old and provides an easy-to-use platform for creating a profile and connecting with potential partners. Registration is free and users can start browsing through other profiles right away.

  • These are the requirements to register on MeetMyAge:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and age
  • A username
  • A password
  • A profile picture
  • An optional bio about yourself


MeetMyAge offers a range of pricing options for users. There is a free option, which allows you to browse the site and view profiles, but does not allow you to communicate with other members. The paid subscription options start at $19.99 per month and go up to $34.99 per month. The benefits of getting a paid subscription include being able to send and receive messages, see who has viewed your profile, and access additional features such as advanced search filters. The prices are competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market.

Using MeetMyAge without paying can feel limiting compared to other options on the market. While you can browse the site and view profiles, you won’t be able to interact with other members unless you upgrade to a paid subscription.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile viewing, and basic search options
Premium $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile viewing, advanced search options, and access to exclusive events
VIP $29.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile viewing, advanced search options, access to exclusive events, and priority customer service

Similar Sites

Other alternatives to MeetMyAge include online dating sites such as eHarmony, Match.com, and OkCupid. These sites offer a variety of features to help users find compatible matches. Additionally, there are several social media platforms that can be used to meet new people, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking for serious relationships
  • Best for those who are interested in making new friends
  • Best for those who want to find someone with similar interests and values

How we reviewed MeetMyAge

When reviewing MeetMyAge, my team and I took a comprehensive approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users (we sent over 100 messages in total over the course of two weeks). We also looked into the features offered by the site, such as its messaging system, user profiles, search filters, and matchmaking algorithm.

In addition, we read through the site’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to ensure that it was compliant with applicable laws and regulations. We also conducted an analysis of the site’s security measures, such as its encryption protocols and authentication methods. Finally, we monitored the site for any changes or updates to its features or policies.

At MeetMyAge, we take our reviews seriously. That’s why we go the extra mile to provide readers with an in-depth look at the dating site. We’re committed to providing honest, unbiased reviews so that you can make informed decisions about which dating sites are right for you.


1. What payment methods does MeetMyAge accept?

MeetMyAge only accepts credit cards as payment, which is pretty inconvenient. Plus, it’s kind of sketchy that a dating site doesn’t accept other forms of payment. It’s like they’re trying to hide something.

2. How many users does MeetMyAge have?

I’m not sure how many users MeetMyAge has, but it doesn’t seem like a lot. It’s definitely not as popular as other dating sites out there, and I haven’t seen much activity on the site. Definitely not worth my time.

3. What are MeetMyAge alternatives?

I’m not a fan of MeetMyAge. There are much better alternatives out there, like eHarmony or Match.com. They have more features and better user experiences than MeetMyAge. Stay away from it if you can.

4. How to cancel subscription on MeetMyAge?

Cancelling a subscription on MeetMyAge is an absolute nightmare. It’s so difficult to figure out how to do it, and when you finally do manage to cancel your subscription, they make it nearly impossible to get a refund. I would never recommend this dating site to anyone.


Overall, MeetMyAge is not a great option for those looking to date online. The app’s security and safety features are lacking, with no background checks or verification process in place. Additionally, the pricing structure is confusing and expensive compared to other dating sites. Usability is also an issue, as the registration process is overly complicated and time-consuming. Finally, the app is targeting a specific age group, which limits its appeal. All of these factors make MeetMyAge a less than ideal choice for those seeking to find love online.

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