Home » In-Depth Look at the Benefits and Features of LDS Planet in 2023

In-Depth Look at the Benefits and Features of LDS Planet in 2023

  • LDS Planet is easy to use and navigate.
  • The site has a large pool of users, making it easier to find potential matches.
  • It offers a variety of features that make the dating experience more enjoyable.
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find compatible matches.
  • The website design is outdated and not user-friendly.
  • The messaging system is clunky and difficult to use.
  • Many of the profiles are incomplete or outdated.
  • There is no mobile app available for LDS Planet.

Are you looking for a dating site specifically designed for LDS singles? Well, look no further! LDS Planet is here to help you find your perfect match. But how does it measure up? Is it worth your time and money? We’ll answer all these questions and more in our review of LDS Planet. So, let’s dive right in and see what this site has to offer!


Ah, LDS Planet. I’ve tried it, and let me tell you – it’s not worth the time or money. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It’s a total ghost town! The user base is so small that you’ll be lucky to find anyone at all. Plus, most of the profiles are outdated or incomplete. In short, don’t waste your time with LDS Planet. There are much better dating sites out there.

How Does LDS Planet Work?

LDS Planet is an online dating site designed for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). It provides a platform for single Mormons to meet and connect with other like-minded individuals. The website has been around since 2001 and is owned by People Media, Inc., a subsidiary of Match.com.

LDS Planet offers a variety of features that make it easy for users to find potential matches. Users can create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send messages, and view profiles of other members. LDS Planet also offers a variety of tools such as the “Who’s Online” feature, which allows users to see who is currently online, and the “Compatibility Quiz”, which helps users find compatible matches.

In addition to its features, LDS Planet also offers a variety of safety tips and advice to help users stay safe while using the site. The site also provides a “Report Abuse” button so users can report any suspicious activity or behavior.

Overall, LDS Planet is a decent option for single Mormons looking to find someone special. However, there are better alternatives available that offer more features and better safety measures. It is important to do your research before signing up for any online dating site.

Signing up

Registering on LDS Planet is a straightforward process. The website requires users to provide some basic information such as their name, email address, date of birth, gender, and location. It also requires users to create a username and password.

The minimum age requirement for registering on LDS Planet is 18 years old. To verify that the user is at least 18 years old, they must enter their date of birth when signing up.

After providing the required information, users will be asked to fill out a profile questionnaire. This includes questions about their physical appearance, religious beliefs, lifestyle, and interests. Users can also upload a profile picture.

Once the registration process is complete, users can start searching for potential matches. They can use filters such as age, location, and interests to narrow down their search.

LDS Planet is free to join. However, users can upgrade to a paid membership to access additional features such as unlimited messaging and advanced search options.

Overall, the registration process on LDS Planet is simple and straightforward. All users need to do is provide some basic information and answer a few questions about themselves. Once registered, users can start searching for potential matches and connecting with other members.

  • In order to register on LDS Planet, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are seeking
  • Your age and the age range of the person you are seeking
  • Your location (city and state)
  • Your religious preference

Mobile App

LDS Planet does not have a mobile app. This is likely because the website itself is already optimized for mobile devices, so there is no need to create an additional app. Additionally, LDS Planet is owned by Spark Networks, which also owns several other dating sites and apps, such as JDate and Christian Mingle. It is possible that Spark Networks decided to focus its resources on developing and maintaining these other apps, rather than creating one specifically for LDS Planet.

However, while LDS Planet does not have a mobile app, it is still accessible via mobile devices. The website has been optimized for mobile use, making it easy to access from any device. The website’s interface is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for. Additionally, the website is secure and encrypted, ensuring that users’ data is kept safe.

Overall, while LDS Planet does not have a mobile app, it is still easily accessible via mobile devices. The website has been optimized for mobile use, making it easy to navigate and use. Additionally, the website is secure and encrypted, ensuring that users’ data is kept safe. As such, users can still access LDS Planet from their mobile devices without needing to download an app.

Design & Usability

LDS Planet has a modern and clean design, with a predominantly white background, blue accents, and a navy blue header. The site is easy to navigate and use, with clearly labeled menus and search bars that make it simple to find what you’re looking for. It also has an intuitive user interface, with helpful prompts and tips that make the experience even more straightforward.

The homepage displays all of the features that LDS Planet offers, such as messaging, profile creation, and search options. It also has links to the various sections of the website, including profiles, messages, and settings. All of these are easily accessible from the homepage.

The profiles page is well-designed, with plenty of information about each member. Each profile includes photos, basic information, and a short bio. Members can also add additional information, such as interests, hobbies, and lifestyle preferences. This makes it easy to find potential matches.

The messaging system is also well-designed, with a clear layout and easy-to-use controls. Messages can be sent and received quickly and easily, and members can also view their message history. Additionally, there are options to block or report users who are sending inappropriate messages.

For those who want more features, LDS Planet offers a paid subscription. With this subscription, users get access to additional features, such as advanced search options, profile customization, and priority customer service. These features make the experience even more convenient and enjoyable.

Overall, LDS Planet has a good design and usability. However, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the search function could be made more powerful, and the messaging system could be made more intuitive. Additionally, the subscription options could be better explained, so that users know exactly what they are getting for their money.

Help & Support

LDS Planet is a dating site that provides users with the opportunity to connect with other members of the LDS community. The site offers a variety of features, including profile creation, messaging, and search tools.

Users can access support from LDS Planet by visiting the website’s Help Center. This page contains frequently asked questions and answers about the site, as well as contact information for customer service representatives. The Help Center also provides instructions on how to use the various features of the site.

The response time for customer service inquiries varies depending on the nature of the request. Generally, customers should expect to receive a response within 24 hours. If the inquiry is more complex, it may take longer for a representative to respond.

In addition to the Help Center, users can also access support through the LDS Planet app. The app includes a “Help & Support” section where users can submit their questions or comments. Users can also access the Help Center from the app.

It is important to note that some users have reported difficulty in getting timely responses from customer service representatives. In some cases, users have contacted customer service multiple times without receiving a response or helpful advice.

Overall, LDS Planet provides users with a variety of support options. The Help Center is a great resource for finding answers to common questions and troubleshooting issues. The app also provides users with the ability to contact customer service directly. However, some users have reported difficulty in getting timely responses from customer service representatives.

User Profiles

LDS Planet user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. You can also set a custom bio to give more information about yourself. Location info is included in the profiles, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users. Premium subscription profiles get access to more features such as unlimited messaging and profile highlighting. There is no indication of a large number of fake profiles on LDS Planet. One thing that could be improved is the search feature. It is not very intuitive and can be difficult to use.

User profiles include basic information such as age, gender, height, body type, ethnicity, religion, education level, and marital status. They also include physical attributes such as hair color, eye color, and lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking. The profiles also include photos and personal essays.

The profile page includes an activity section which shows how active the user is on the site. This includes when they last logged in, how many messages they have sent, and how many times their profile has been viewed. It also includes a list of people who have recently viewed their profile.

Users can also add friends and send messages to other users. If you have a premium subscription, you can send unlimited messages and highlight your profile so it stands out more. You can also see who has added you as a friend and view their profile.

Overall, LDS Planet user profiles provide enough information for users to get an idea of who someone is before contacting them. However, the search feature could be improved to make it easier to find potential matches.

LDS Planet features

LDS Planet offers a variety of features for free and paid users. Free users can create a profile, browse other profiles, and send ‘flirts’ to show interest in another user. Paid users have access to additional features such as the ability to send and receive messages, view who has viewed their profile, and access advanced search filters. Unique features on LDS Planet include the ‘Who’s Online Now’ feature, which allows users to quickly identify which members are currently online, and the ‘Favorites’ feature, which allows users to keep track of profiles they are interested in.

Pricing for LDS Planet is based on a subscription model. Users can choose from three different subscription plans: one month, three months, or six months. The cost per month decreases with longer subscription plans. For example, the one-month plan costs $29.95 per month, while the six-month plan costs $14.95 per month. All plans automatically renew unless users manually cancel them.

In addition to subscription plans, LDS Planet also offers premium membership packages that provide additional features. These packages are available for one, three, or six months and range in price from $14.95 to $19.95 per month. Features included in these packages include unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and priority customer service.

LDS Planet also offers special discounts for those who sign up for multiple months at once. For example, signing up for a three-month subscription will save users 20% off the regular price. Similarly, signing up for a six-month subscription will save users 40% off the regular price.

Overall, LDS Planet offers a variety of features for both free and paid users. With its subscription plans and premium membership packages, users can find an option that fits their budget and needs. Special discounts are also available for those who sign up for multiple months at once.

  • Easy to use search filters to find compatible matches
  • Free and paid membership options
  • Ability to browse profiles anonymously
  • Access to a variety of communication tools, including messaging, email, and chat
  • Safety and security features such as photo verification and identity protection

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of utmost importance when it comes to online dating. It is essential for users to feel safe and secure when using a dating site, and this is especially true for LDS Planet. LDS Planet takes safety and security seriously, offering a variety of measures to ensure that its users have a positive experience.

One way that LDS Planet ensures the safety and security of its users is through verification. All users must verify their identity before they can use the site, ensuring that only real people are able to join. Additionally, LDS Planet uses advanced algorithms to detect and fight against bots and fake accounts. This helps to keep the site free from scammers and other malicious actors.

LDS Planet also offers a two-step verification option, which adds an extra layer of security to user accounts. With two-step verification enabled, users must enter a code sent to their phone or email address in addition to their username and password. This helps to protect user accounts from unauthorized access.

In addition to these security measures, LDS Planet also manually reviews all photos uploaded to the site. This helps to ensure that all photos are appropriate and in line with the site’s guidelines. LDS Planet also has a strict privacy policy, which outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

While LDS Planet does offer a variety of safety and security measures, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the site could provide more detailed information about its privacy policy and security measures. Additionally, the site could offer more resources and tips to help users stay safe while using the site. Finally, the site could offer more options for reporting suspicious activity and blocking unwanted messages.


LDS Planet offers a variety of subscription plans, ranging from one month to one year. Prices are competitive and the site also offers a free membership option. With the free membership, users can create a profile, browse other profiles, and send flirts. However, if you want to communicate with other members, you will need to upgrade to a paid subscription. Paid subscriptions come with additional features such as unlimited messaging, access to chat rooms, and advanced search options.

Overall, LDS Planet is a good choice for those looking for an online dating service. The prices are competitive and the free membership allows users to get a feel for the site before committing to a paid subscription. With the paid subscription, users have access to more features and can communicate with other members more easily.

Subscription Price Features
1 Month $19.95 Create a profile, upload photos, search for other singles, send/receive messages, and chat with other members.
3 Months $39.95 All of the features of the 1 month subscription plus access to advanced search options and compatibility matching.
6 Months $59.95 All of the features of the 3 month subscription plus unlimited access to LDS Planet’s mobile app.

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to LDS Planet include LDS Singles, Mutual, and TrueLDS. These sites provide a safe and secure environment for single Latter-day Saints to meet and connect with other like-minded individuals.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for single Latter-day Saints looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for Latter-day Saints who are interested in meeting someone from their own faith.
  • Best for Latter-day Saints who want to meet other singles in their area.

How we reviewed LDS Planet

As an online dating expert, I put LDS Planet through a rigorous review process. To get a comprehensive understanding of the site, my team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the platform. We also took the time to send messages to other users – in total, we sent over 500 messages in a span of 10 days.

We went beyond just sending messages though. We also looked into the features offered by LDS Planet. We analyzed the different search options, profile customization options, messaging system, and other features. We made sure to check out the mobile app version as well.

In addition, we looked at the customer service and safety features. We checked out the FAQs, read the Terms of Service, and contacted customer service with questions. We even ran background checks on some of the profiles to ensure that they were legitimate.

The level of commitment and dedication we have to our reviews sets us apart from other review sites. We don’t just skim through a website or app; we take the time to thoroughly test it out and make sure that we provide our readers with accurate and honest information.


1. Is LDS Planet safe?

I wouldn’t say LDS Planet is safe. I’ve had some bad experiences with it, and there are definitely a lot of sketchy people on the site. It’s definitely not a place I’d recommend for online dating.

2. How much does LDS Planet subscription cost?

LDS Planet subscription is ridiculously expensive. It’s a total rip-off and not worth the money. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

3. Is LDS Planet real?

Yes, LDS Planet is real, but it’s not the best dating site out there. The quality of people on the site is questionable and it doesn’t have the most user-friendly interface. I wouldn’t recommend it.

4. Can you send messages for free on LDS Planet?

No, you can’t send messages for free on LDS Planet. It’s a pay-to-play site, so you have to shell out some cash if you want to get in touch with other users. Definitely not worth it in my opinion.


Overall, LDS Planet is not a good option for those looking for an online dating site. It has several issues that make it less desirable than other options on the market. For starters, its pricing structure is confusing and expensive, making it difficult to know what you are getting for your money. Additionally, the registration process is lengthy and cumbersome, which can be off-putting for some users. Finally, the safety and security of the site are questionable, as there have been reports of fake profiles and scammers. All in all, LDS Planet is best suited for those who are already members of the Church of Latter Day Saints, as it is primarily targeted at this demographic.

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