Home » Does IndianCupid Deliver On Its Promises? An Analysis For 2023

Does IndianCupid Deliver On Its Promises? An Analysis For 2023

  • IndianCupid has a large user base, making it easy to find potential matches.
  • The site is easy to use and navigate, with a great mobile app.
  • IndianCupid offers lots of features to help you find the perfect match.
  • The search function can be a bit clunky.
  • Limited profile customization options.
  • Not many active users in some areas.
  • Not the most user-friendly interface.
  • Some fake profiles have been reported.

Are you looking for love? Or maybe just a fling? Well, if you’re an Indian single, you might want to check out IndianCupid! This dating site is designed specifically for Indians who are looking for a connection. But is it worth your time? Let’s find out! In this review, we’ll take a look at IndianCupid’s features, user experience, and overall value. So, let’s dive in, shall we?


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site, IndianCupid is definitely not the one! It’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot. I mean, it’s so outdated and full of fake profiles that it’s almost comical. Plus, the user interface is so clunky and slow that it’s enough to make you want to pull your hair out. If you’re looking for a real connection, don’t waste your time and money on IndianCupid. You’d be better off going to a singles bar or signing up for a different dating site. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

How Does IndianCupid Work?

IndianCupid is an online dating site that caters to Indian singles. It is part of the Cupid Media network, which operates over 30 reputable niche dating sites and apps. The platform offers a safe and secure environment for singles to connect with like-minded people from their own culture and background. IndianCupid has a large user base of over 3 million members, making it one of the largest dating sites in India.

The website allows users to create a profile and search for potential matches based on various criteria such as age, gender, location, religion, interests, hobbies, and more. IndianCupid also provides advanced search filters so that users can find their ideal match quickly and easily. Additionally, users can browse through the profiles of other members and send messages to those they are interested in.

IndianCupid also offers a range of features to help make the online dating experience more enjoyable. These include the ability to upload photos, view other member’s profiles, and even use the site’s chat feature. Furthermore, IndianCupid also offers a variety of communication tools such as instant messaging, video chat, and email.

Overall, IndianCupid is a decent dating site, but there are better alternatives out there. While it does offer some useful features, it lacks the modern design and user-friendly interface of many other dating sites. Furthermore, its user base is relatively small compared to other sites, making it difficult to find potential matches.

Signing up

Registering on IndianCupid is a straightforward process. The website requires users to be at least 18 years old to register. Registration is free and can be done in two ways: either by using an existing Facebook account or by manually entering the required information.

If registering with a Facebook account, users will be asked to log into their Facebook account and grant permission for IndianCupid to access their profile information. Once the user has granted permission, they will be taken to the IndianCupid registration page where they will need to enter their email address and create a password.

If registering manually, users will be taken directly to the IndianCupid registration page. Here, they will need to enter their first name, gender, date of birth, email address, and create a password. They will also be asked to select their country, state, city, and ethnicity.

Once the user has completed the registration form, they will be taken to the ‘About You’ page. Here, they will be asked to provide additional information about themselves such as their height, body type, religion, and marital status. Users will also be asked to write a short bio about themselves.

After completing the ‘About You’ page, users will be taken to the ‘Verify Your Account’ page. Here, they will be asked to verify their email address by clicking on a link sent to their inbox. After verifying their email address, users will be taken to the ‘Upload Photos’ page. This page allows users to upload up to five photos of themselves.

Once the user has uploaded their photos, they will be taken to the ‘Complete Your Profile’ page. Here, they will be asked to answer a few questions about themselves such as their hobbies, interests, and what they are looking for in a partner. After completing this page, users will be taken to the homepage where they can start browsing profiles and interacting with other members.

In conclusion, registering on IndianCupid is a straightforward process that requires users to be at least 18 years old. Registration is free and can be done either by using an existing Facebook account or by manually entering the required information.

  • To register on IndianCupid, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • Your relationship status
  • Your ethnicity

User Profiles

User profiles on IndianCupid are public and can be viewed by anyone. However, users can customize their bio to provide more information about themselves. Location info is also included in the profiles, though it is possible to hide it from other users. There is no indication of the distance between users, but they can use the search filters to find people who live close to them.

Premium subscription provides several benefits for users, such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and a highlighted profile. It also allows users to access features like “Message Read” notifications, which lets them know when someone has read their message.

IndianCupid does not have a lot of fake profiles, as the site is very strict about its user policies. All profiles are verified and monitored regularly to ensure that they are genuine. However, some users may find that the profiles lack detail and could benefit from more information about the person. Additionally, there is no way to verify the accuracy of the information provided in the profiles.

Overall, user profiles on IndianCupid are quite comprehensive and offer enough information for users to get an idea of who they are talking to. However, there is still room for improvement, such as providing more detailed information about the user and allowing users to verify the accuracy of the information provided.

IndianCupid features

IndianCupid offers both free and paid features to its users. The free features include creating a profile, searching for matches, sending interest, and communicating with paying members. The paid features include advanced search options, unlimited messaging, and the ability to access exclusive IndianCupid features such as video chat, photo verification, and message translation.

IndianCupid also has some unique features that set it apart from other dating sites. For example, the site offers a "CupidTag" feature which allows users to add tags to their profiles so that they can be easily found by others who share similar interests. Additionally, IndianCupid offers a "Message Filter" feature which allows users to filter out messages from certain users based on criteria such as age, location, and language.

In terms of pricing, IndianCupid offers three different subscription plans. The first plan is a one-month subscription which costs $29.99. The second plan is a three-month subscription which costs $59.97. The third plan is a six-month subscription which costs $95.94. All subscription plans come with a money-back guarantee if users are not satisfied with the service.

IndianCupid also offers a special discount for users who purchase a subscription plan in bulk. For example, users who purchase a six-month subscription will receive a 25% discount. Additionally, IndianCupid offers a "Gold Membership" option which provides access to all of the premium features for an additional fee.

Overall, IndianCupid offers a variety of features and pricing options to suit the needs of its users. With its unique features, competitive pricing, and money-back guarantee, IndianCupid is a great choice for those looking for an online dating experience.

  • Free and easy sign up process
  • Advanced search options to help you find your perfect match
  • Anonymous messaging and chat rooms
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and security
  • 24/7 customer support for any queries or concerns

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and IndianCupid takes this seriously. It has a number of measures in place to ensure that its users are safe and secure while using the site.

IndianCupid has a verification process for users, which helps to reduce the risk of bots and fake accounts. The site also offers two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security. All photos are manually reviewed by IndianCupid staff before they are posted on the site, ensuring that only genuine users are present. IndianCupid also has a comprehensive privacy policy, which outlines how user data is collected and used.

While IndianCupid does have a number of safety and security measures in place, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, IndianCupid does not offer any advice or guidance to users about how to stay safe while using the site. Additionally, the site does not have any dedicated customer support team, so users may struggle to get help if they encounter any issues.

Overall, IndianCupid takes safety and security seriously and has a number of measures in place to protect its users. However, there are still some areas that could be improved, such as providing advice and guidance to users and having a dedicated customer support team.

Help & Support

IndianCupid provides a variety of support options for its users. The most common way to access support is through the website’s Help Center, which can be found in the footer of the homepage. Here, users can find answers to frequently asked questions about the site, as well as contact forms to submit inquiries and requests for assistance.

The response time for IndianCupid’s customer service team is typically within 24 hours. However, some users have reported that they never received a response or that the response was not helpful. This could be due to the fact that IndianCupid does not provide phone or live chat support.

In addition to the Help Center, IndianCupid also offers an online community forum where users can ask questions and get advice from other members. This is a great resource for users who are looking for tips on how to use the site or need help with specific issues.

Finally, IndianCupid also has a blog which features articles on topics related to online dating. These articles can provide useful information on topics such as safety, communication, and finding love.

Overall, IndianCupid provides a variety of support options for its users. While the response time may not always be ideal, users can find answers to their questions in the Help Center, the online community forum, and the blog.

Design & Usability

IndianCupid has a bright and vibrant design, with a predominantly orange and white color scheme. The website is easy to navigate, with clearly labeled sections and menus. It is also very user-friendly, with intuitive icons and buttons that make it easy to find what you are looking for. The site also features an attractive homepage slider that showcases the latest features and promotions.

The overall usability of IndianCupid is good, with a straightforward sign-up process and simple navigation. The search function is also effective, allowing users to filter their results by location, age, gender, and more. The messaging system is also easy to use, with a variety of options for sending messages and responding to them.

For those who choose to upgrade to a paid subscription, there are some additional UI improvements. These include an improved profile page, which allows users to customize their profile with photos and other information. Additionally, the messaging system has been enhanced, with better filtering options and a larger character limit.

Overall, IndianCupid’s design and usability are satisfactory. However, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the search function could be made more powerful, with more advanced filtering options. Additionally, the messaging system could be further enhanced, with more customization options and a wider range of emoticons. Finally, the profile page could be made more visually appealing, with better photo editing tools and more options for customizing the layout.

Mobile App

IndianCupid does not have a mobile app. This is likely because the site is owned by Cupid Media, which operates over 30 niche dating sites and has yet to develop an app for any of them.

The IndianCupid website is designed to be mobile-friendly, so users can access it on their smartphones or tablets. The site is optimized for mobile devices, allowing users to browse profiles, send messages, and view photos without having to switch between devices.

Although IndianCupid does not have a native mobile app, users can still access the site on their mobile devices. The website is designed to be responsive, meaning that it will automatically adjust its layout to fit the size of the user’s device. This allows users to navigate the site easily, regardless of whether they are using a smartphone or tablet.

The main advantage of accessing IndianCupid on a mobile device is convenience. Users can access the site wherever they are, as long as they have an internet connection. Additionally, the site’s mobile-friendly design makes it easy to use on smaller screens.

The main disadvantage of accessing IndianCupid on a mobile device is that some features may not be available. For example, users may not be able to upload photos or access certain features, such as chat rooms. Additionally, the site may not display properly on some devices, depending on the device’s operating system and browser.

In conclusion, IndianCupid does not have a mobile app. However, the site is designed to be mobile-friendly, so users can still access it on their smartphones or tablets. Although some features may not be available, users can still browse profiles, send messages, and view photos on their mobile devices.


IndianCupid offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic membership is free, but those who wish to unlock additional features can upgrade to a paid subscription. The Gold Membership costs $29.98 per month and the Platinum Membership costs $34.99 per month. Both plans offer unlimited messaging, advanced search capabilities, and other features that are not available with the free membership.

The prices offered by IndianCupid are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. While the free membership does provide access to some features, such as creating a profile and browsing other members, it does not offer the same level of functionality as the paid subscriptions. With the paid subscriptions, users can send messages to other members, view their full profiles, and take advantage of advanced search capabilities.

Overall, IndianCupid provides a good value for its users. The free membership is great for those who want to get a feel for the site before committing to a paid subscription, while the paid subscriptions offer access to more features and greater functionality. In comparison to other dating sites, IndianCupid offers competitive prices and a good selection of features.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month $29.99 Send messages to other members, view photos and profiles, add members to your favorites list, access to advanced search options.
3 Months $59.98 All features of 1 month subscription plus: Chat with other members, send and receive unlimited messages, access to all profile photos.
6 Months $119.96 All features of 3 month subscription plus: Get highlighted in search results, VIP profile highlighting, get priority customer support.

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to IndianCupid include Shaadi.com, BharatMatrimony.com, and Jeevansathi.com, which are all popular dating sites for people of Indian descent.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship.
  • Best for singles looking to meet other Indian singles.
  • Best for those who are interested in exploring the Indian culture and finding an Indian partner.

How we reviewed IndianCupid

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into IndianCupid to review it. To get the most out of my experience, I tested both the free and paid versions of the site. I spent days sending messages to other users – over 200 in total – to see how the site works. I also tried out all the features that come with the premium subscription, such as the ability to view who’s visited your profile and the advanced search filters. I even checked out the mobile app to see how well it works on different devices.

I also looked at the safety measures IndianCupid has in place, such as their anti-spam policy and their customer service team. I wanted to make sure that users are safe when using the site.

Finally, I read through the terms and conditions to make sure that everything is fair and transparent.

What sets me apart from other review sites is my commitment to giving an in-depth review. I took the time to really explore the site and make sure that I was giving readers an honest opinion. I hope this review helps anyone looking for love on IndianCupid!


1. How does IndianCupid work?

IndianCupid is a total waste of time. It’s just another dating site that doesn’t deliver on its promises. You’ll end up wasting your time and money with no results.

2. How does IndianCupid website work?

IndianCupid is a total joke. It’s a dating site that doesn’t even work properly. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, it’s just a waste of time.

3. Is IndianCupid any good?

IndianCupid is definitely not the best dating site out there. It’s clunky, outdated, and lacks features that you’d find on other sites. Overall, it’s not worth your time.

4. Is IndianCupid real?

Yes, IndianCupid is real – but it’s not the best dating site out there. It’s pretty basic and doesn’t have a lot of features, so you’re better off looking elsewhere. I wouldn’t recommend it.


Overall, IndianCupid is not a great option for online dating. The pricing is expensive compared to other sites, and the usability of the site is not as user-friendly as other options. Furthermore, the registration process is quite lengthy and requires more information than necessary. Additionally, there are no safety and security features in place, which can make it difficult to trust the people you meet on the site. This site is primarily targeting those who are looking for serious relationships, so if you’re looking for something casual, then this might not be the best choice. All in all, IndianCupid is not a good option when it comes to online dating.

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