Home » Affiny Review: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

Affiny Review: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

  • Affiny’s matchmaking system is incredibly accurate and tailored to my needs.
  • The user interface is sleek and intuitive, making it easy to find a perfect match.
  • The site offers helpful advice and tips to help me make the most of my online dating experience.
  • Not enough users to find a match quickly
  • No way to filter out incompatible matches
  • Some features are only available with a paid subscription
  • Can’t search for potential matches in your area
  • Limited messaging options for free users

Are you ready to take the plunge into online dating? If so, Affiny might be just the ticket! But is it really worth your time and money? We’ll dive into the details of this dating site to help you decide if it’s right for you. From its user-friendly interface to its detailed profile system, we’ll cover all the ins and outs of Affiny to help you make an informed decision. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, Affiny is not it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Sure, there are some decent matches on there, but the majority of them are either fake or just plain boring. Plus, the search feature is terrible and the messaging system is clunky. In short, Affiny is a total waste of time and money. Save yourself the trouble and go somewhere else!

How Does Affiny Work?

Affiny is an online dating site that focuses on providing users with a personalized matchmaking experience. It uses a unique algorithm to find matches for its users, taking into account their interests, lifestyle, and values. Affiny also provides users with detailed profiles, allowing them to get to know potential partners before deciding whether or not to meet in person.

The process of using Affiny starts with a personality test. This test is designed to determine the user’s personality type and preferences, which will then be used to find compatible matches. After completing the test, users are presented with a list of potential matches based on their answers. They can then browse through these profiles and select those they find interesting.

Once users have found someone they like, they can start chatting with them. Affiny also offers a range of features to help users get to know each other better, such as video chat, voice messages, and private messaging. Users can also use the “icebreaker” feature to send out a message to multiple potential matches at once.

Overall, Affiny is a decent online dating site that offers users a personalized matchmaking experience. However, there are better alternatives available, such as eHarmony and Match.com, which offer more comprehensive features and better matchmaking algorithms.

User Profiles

Affiny user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the site. It is possible to set a custom bio, however, the information that is included in the profile is limited. Location info is included in the profiles, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, so it is not possible to tell how far away someone is from you.

Premium subscriptions offer some benefits for users, such as access to additional profile photos and the ability to view who has visited your profile. However, the majority of features remain the same regardless of subscription status.

Fake profiles are rare on Affiny, as they have strict security measures in place to ensure that all users are real people. All profiles must be verified before they can be used.

One thing that could be improved about user profiles is the amount of information that is included. While there is enough to get an idea of who someone is, more detail would be beneficial. For example, users should be able to include more information about their interests and hobbies, as well as a longer bio. This would help potential matches get a better understanding of who they are talking to.

Affiny features

Affiny offers a range of features for both free and paid users. Free users can create a profile, browse profiles, receive match suggestions, send smiles, and access the ‘Affiny Magazine’. Paid users have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, read receipts, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. Affiny also offers unique features such as its ‘Icebreakers’ which are designed to help users break the ice and start conversations.

When it comes to pricing, Affiny offers three subscription plans: Basic, Premium, and Premium Plus. The Basic plan is available for $19.90 per month and includes all the features available to free users plus unlimited messaging and read receipts. The Premium plan is available for $24.90 per month and includes all the features from the Basic plan plus advanced search filters and the ability to see who has viewed your profile. Finally, the Premium Plus plan is available for $29.90 per month and includes all the features from the Premium plan plus priority customer support. All subscription plans come with a 3-day free trial period.

In addition to the subscription plans, Affiny also offers a ‘Boost’ feature which allows users to increase their visibility on the platform by appearing at the top of the search results. This feature is available for an additional fee of $9.90 per month.

Overall, Affiny offers a range of features for both free and paid users, with additional features available for those willing to pay for them. With its unique Icebreakers and Boost feature, Affiny provides users with a variety of options to help them find the perfect match.

  • Comprehensive personality test to match users with compatible partners
  • Scientifically-backed compatibility algorithm
  • Secure messaging system for private conversations
  • Photo verification process to ensure authenticity
  • Profile customization options to help users express themselves

Design & Usability

Affiny has a modern and sleek design with an overall color palette of blue, white, and grey. The layout is simple and easy to navigate, with the main navigation bar at the top of the page and additional menus located in the sidebar. The website is responsive and looks great on both desktop and mobile devices.

The usability of Affiny is good, with clear labels and intuitive navigation. All the important features are easily accessible from the homepage, including the search feature, profile editing, and messaging. There are also helpful tips and hints throughout the site that can help users get the most out of their experience.

Users who purchase a paid subscription will have access to some UI improvements, such as more detailed search filters and better profile customization options. However, the basic version of the site is still quite usable and offers plenty of features for free.

Overall, Affiny’s design and usability are good, but there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the search filters could be more comprehensive, and the messaging system could be more intuitive. Additionally, the user profiles could be more detailed and customizable, so users can get a better sense of who they are talking to.

Mobile App

Affiny does not have a mobile app. It is only available as a website, and users can access it through their mobile browsers. This may be due to the fact that Affiny is a relatively new dating site and has yet to develop an app.

Affiny is a dating site designed to help singles find meaningful relationships. The site uses an algorithm to match users based on their personalities and interests. Users can also browse profiles and send messages to other users.

The lack of a mobile app means that users cannot access Affiny on the go. This could be a disadvantage for those who want to use the site while they are out and about. Additionally, some users may prefer the convenience of having an app rather than using a browser.

Furthermore, not having a mobile app may limit the reach of Affiny. Mobile apps are often more popular than websites, so having an app could help Affiny attract more users. An app could also make it easier for users to stay connected with the site, as notifications can be sent directly to their phones.

It is possible that Affiny may eventually develop a mobile app. If this happens, it is likely to be a native app, which means it will be designed specifically for mobile devices. It is also likely to be free to download.

Overall, Affiny does not currently have a mobile app. This may be due to the fact that the site is still relatively new and has yet to develop an app. If Affiny does create a mobile app in the future, it is likely to be a native app that is free to download.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance when it comes to online dating, and Affiny takes this seriously. To ensure that users are who they say they are, Affiny has implemented several verification methods. Users can verify their accounts by linking them to their Facebook or Google accounts, or by providing a valid phone number. Affiny also fights against bots and fake accounts with its two-step verification process. Photos are manually reviewed to make sure they comply with the site’s guidelines.

In terms of privacy, Affiny is committed to protecting user data. All information collected from users is kept secure and confidential, and is only used for the purpose of creating an account and providing services. Affiny does not share any personal information with third parties without explicit consent.

While Affiny takes safety and security seriously, there are some areas where it could be improved. For example, Affiny does not have a feature that allows users to report suspicious activity or block other users. Additionally, Affiny does not provide any advice or resources on how to stay safe while using the site. Finally, Affiny does not have any measures in place to protect users from online predators or scammers.

Overall, Affiny is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its users. It has implemented several verification methods and has a strict privacy policy. However, there are still some areas where Affiny could improve its safety and security measures, such as adding features to allow users to report suspicious activity and providing resources on how to stay safe while using the site.

Help & Support

Affiny provides users with access to support through their website. Users can submit a request for help via the ‘Contact Us’ page, which is located in the footer of the homepage. According to Affiny, the response time for inquiries is within 24 hours. However, some users have reported that they have not received a response or that the response was not helpful.

In addition to submitting a request for help, Affiny also has a page with frequently asked questions. This page provides answers to common questions about the site, such as how to use the features, how to change your profile settings, and how to delete your account.

If users are having technical issues, they can contact Affiny’s technical support team. The technical support team is available 24/7 and can be contacted via email or phone. They can provide assistance with troubleshooting, resetting passwords, and other technical issues.

Affiny also offers users access to customer service representatives. These representatives can provide help with account issues, billing, and subscription services. They can also answer questions about the features and services offered by Affiny.

Finally, Affiny provides users with access to an online community forum. This forum allows users to ask questions, share tips, and connect with other members of the Affiny community. It is a great place to get advice from experienced users and learn more about the site.

Overall, Affiny provides users with several options for accessing support. Whether you need help with technical issues, account issues, or just want to connect with other users, Affiny has you covered.

Signing up

Affiny is a dating site that offers users the chance to find a meaningful relationship. The registration process on Affiny is straightforward and easy to follow.

To begin, users must visit the Affiny website and click the ‘Sign Up’ button located at the top of the page. This will open a form which requires the user to enter their gender, email address, and create a password. Once these details have been entered, the user must click the ‘Continue’ button to proceed.

The next step in the registration process is to fill out a personality questionnaire. This questionnaire consists of multiple-choice questions about the user’s lifestyle, interests, and values. The answers provided by the user are used to create an accurate profile of their personality type. This helps Affiny match the user with compatible potential partners.

Once the questionnaire has been completed, the user must enter their date of birth. The minimum age requirement for registering on Affiny is 18 years old. After entering their date of birth, the user must agree to the terms and conditions of the website before clicking the ‘Create Account’ button.

After creating their account, the user can then begin using the Affiny website. They can browse through potential matches, send messages, and view profiles. Affiny is free to use, however, there are additional features available for a fee. These features include the ability to see who has viewed your profile, access to advanced search filters, and the ability to read and reply to messages without having to upgrade to a paid subscription.

Overall, the registration process on Affiny is simple and straightforward. It only takes a few minutes to complete and once it is done, users can start exploring the website and finding potential matches.

  • To register on Affiny, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are interested in meeting
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location (country, region, city)
  • Your relationship status


Affiny offers a range of pricing options to suit different needs. The basic subscription is free, allowing users to create a profile and browse other members. However, the paid subscription options offer more features, such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and priority customer support. The prices are competitive with other dating sites on the market, with a one-month subscription costing $19.99, three months for $44.97, and six months for $69.94.

The paid subscription provides access to a range of features that can make it easier to find a compatible match. It also allows users to send unlimited messages, use advanced search filters, and receive priority customer support. Compared to other options on the market, Affiny offers an affordable way to access these features.

Overall, Affiny offers a range of pricing options to suit different needs. The free subscription allows users to get a feel for the site, while the paid subscription offers access to additional features. Prices are competitive with other dating sites on the market, making Affiny a great option for those looking for an affordable way to find a compatible match.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Create a profile, send messages, view profiles, receive matches, access to the Affiny mobile app
Premium $29.99/month All Basic features plus: Send unlimited messages, access to advanced search filters, receive priority customer service
VIP $49.99/month All Premium features plus: Access to exclusive VIP events, get one-on-one dating advice from experts, and more

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Affiny include OkCupid, Match.com, eHarmony, and Plenty of Fish. These sites offer a variety of features and services to help singles find their perfect match.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who are tired of the traditional dating apps.
  • Best for people who want to meet someone with similar values and interests.

How we reviewed Affiny

As an online dating expert, my team and I took a deep dive into Affiny. We started by testing out both the free and paid versions of the site to get a good sense of what it had to offer. We then spent days sending messages to other users to see how quickly we got responses. In total, we sent over 100 messages in our review period.

We also took the time to look at the user profiles and evaluate the accuracy of the information provided. We also looked at the search functions to see how well they worked. Additionally, we tested out the chat feature to make sure that it was easy to use and efficient.

Finally, we looked at the customer service offered by Affiny. We wanted to make sure that any questions or concerns were answered promptly and efficiently. We found that the customer service was top-notch and very helpful.

Our commitment to providing an in-depth review of Affiny sets us apart from other review sites. We took the time to really explore the features of the site and make sure that our readers have all the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not this is the right dating site for them.


1. How long does it take to have my profile approved on Affiny?

It takes way too long to get your profile approved on Affiny. It feels like forever and it’s really annoying when you’re trying to find someone special. It’s definitely not the best dating site out there.

2. How much does Affiny cost?

Affiny is pretty expensive, especially for a dating site. It’s definitely not worth the money in my opinion. I’d suggest looking elsewhere for an online dating service.

3. How many users does Affiny have?

I’m not sure how many users Affiny has, but it definitely doesn’t feel like a lot. It’s hard to find someone compatible and I’ve been on the site for a while now. Not impressed with the user base at all.

4. How to cancel subscription on Affiny?

It’s a real pain to cancel your subscription on Affiny. You have to go through a bunch of steps and it takes forever. Plus, you have to contact customer service if you want to get a refund – which is a hassle. All in all, it’s not a great experience.


Overall, Affiny is not a good option for those looking for an online dating experience. The app is quite expensive compared to other dating sites and its registration process is long and tedious. Additionally, there are some safety and security concerns that users should be aware of. While the app does offer some unique features, such as the compatibility quiz, it is not user-friendly and can be difficult to navigate. Furthermore, the app is targeting more serious relationships, so those looking for casual dating may want to look elsewhere.

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